Goals & Workbook 学习目标、学习工具和学习手册

在本课程中,我们将教您建立手工艺品牌的相关知识。 不过光有知识是不够的,你需要采取行动! 这就是为什么我们制作了这本学习手册,供您下载或打印并填写空白,以便您了解创建品牌的步骤。 滚动到此页面的底部,然后单击学习手册文件,就可以下载您的学习手册。

In this course, we’ll teach you everything we know about building an artisan brand. But knowledge isn't enough, you need to take action! That's why we created this workbook for you to download or print and fill in the blanks, so you know exactly what steps to create your brand. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the Workbook file to download your workbook.

手工艺产品品牌课程 Artisan Branding Workbook.pdf
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